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Flywheel Avis et détails du produit

Flywheel Aperçu
Qu'est-ce que Flywheel?

Flywheel est une société d'hébergement Web qui offre WordPress solutions d'hébergement populaires parmi les développeurs Web, les agences de création et les concepteurs Web. Les services fiables et la vitesse rapide de la plate-forme garantissent que tout site créé sur Flywheel se déroulera sans problème. Il fournit également des outils simples qui permettent aux utilisateurs de créer des sites Web à partir de zéro, en utilisant uniquement des fonctionnalités de mise en scène en un clic et des sites de démonstration gratuits. Il dispose d'une interface bien conçue et facile à comprendre accessible via un tableau de bord intuitif.

Société WP Engine
Année de fondation 2010
Taille de l'entreprise employés 501-1000
Siège social Austin, Texas, États-Unis
Réseaux Sociaux
Flywheel Catégories sur Findstack
Logo Crevio
$ 29.00/mois
Crevio est une plateforme permettant aux créateurs de vendre des produits numériques, des services, des cours et l'accès à d'autres... En savoir plus sur Crevio
Posez des questions sur Flywheel
Ce que Flywheel est-ce le mieux pour ?
Comment Flywheel comparer aux Kinsta?
Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de Flywheel?
Flywheel Détails du produit
Petite entreprise
Marché intermédiaire
Déploiement Cloud/SaaS/Basé sur le Web
Assistance 24h/7 et XNUMXj/XNUMX (représentant en direct), chat, e-mail/assistance, FAQ/forum, base de connaissances, assistance téléphonique
Formation Documentation
Langues English
Flywheel Caractéristiques
Surveillance 24 / 7
Intégration de l'API
Support d'application
Sauvegardes automatisées
Rapport de conformité
Configuration Management
Réseau de diffusion de contenu (CDN)
Alertes personnalisables
Protection DDoS
Services de migration de données
Gestion de base de données
Disaster Recovery
Gestion des incidents
Load Balancing
Log Management
Pare-feu gérés
Prise en charge multi-cloud
Gestion du réseau
Gestion des correctifs
Optimisation des performances
Surveillance des ressources
Gestion des certificats SSL
Options d'évolutivité
Conformité à la sécurité
Gestion de serveur
Contrats de niveau de service (SLA)
Gestion du stockage
Support technique
Contrôles d'accès utilisateur
Prise en charge de la virtualisation
Flywheel Médias
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Flywheel 1
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Flywheel Captures d'écran
Mentions légales
Nos recherches sont organisées à partir de diverses sources faisant autorité et visent à offrir des conseils généraux. Nous ne garantissons pas que nos suggestions fonctionneront le mieux pour chaque cas d'utilisation, alors tenez compte de vos besoins uniques lors du choix des produits et services. N'hésitez pas à partager votre Réactions.
Dernière mise à jour : 10 février 2025
Flywheel Logo
38 Flywheel Avis
4.4 sur 5
Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
25 avril 2018
Note générale:
Michael F.
PDG et fondateur
"Le meilleur fournisseur d'hébergement que j'ai jamais utilisé"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

I LOVE their user interface. It's so intuitive and it doesn't give me anxiety from looking at it like I get with most hosting provider dashboards.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

The price is a little high but definitely worth it.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

Really fast wordpress hosting that is reliable so I never have to worry about it. No downtime so far.

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
05 avril 2018
Note générale:
Javier V.
"Co-fondateur - Uproot Online"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

Flywheel has helped our web design project flow.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

I wish it wasn’t so expensive so we could pass on those savings to our customers.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

We have a agency plan with Flywheel and this helps us rapidly develop demo sites and keep all of our clients sites under one umbrella.

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
Le 17 octobre 2017
Note générale:
Dave Y.
Développeur Senior
"Excellent simple WordPress option d'hébergement"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

WordPress performance & security are outstanding on Flywheel. They also have the cleanest, most inviting dashboard UI of any host I've used. They only show you the options you actually need. They also make it easy for me as a developer to hand the site off to a client or billing admin.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

There are times when I as a developer would like a little more control. Also, I wish all of their plans included staging, and it would be nice if the "development" period when setting up a new site was longer than 30 days. It usually takes me longer than that to take a site from start to launch.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

Setting clients up with a WordPress host that is dependable and isn't trying to upsell them at every opportunity.

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
Le 23 juin 2023
Note générale:
Avatar de Phil H.
Phil H.
Photographe à son compte
"Excellent, excellent, excellent, mais..."
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

Ease of use, website speed and backup. Restoring to a previous version is very easy. Customer service is very good, but has slipped recently.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

I've been with Flywheel for 4 years. Technically, it's the best I've ever seen. Speed, uptime, interface all excellent. But this is not the best hosting for 1 or 2 websites. This is a professional-level, agency-oriented hosting company, evolving toward agencies with 20 or more clients. Pricing recently changed from 4 choices to 2. You can have 1 website or 10, there's nothing in between. I just don't need 10 websites. Also, customer service is slipping. Used to be, I'd get a support ticket response within 15 minutes. Now, it's more than 24 hours.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

"What problems is Flywheel..." is incorrect English... C'mon, guys.... Learn to write. None. I run 2 websites of my own and although the technical performance of my website is superb, and customer support is slipping. Plus, it is WAY too expensive for just 2 websites. This is an agency host.

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
Le 15 décembre 2021
Note générale:
Avatar de Caroline K.
Caroline K.
Assistante marketing numérique
"Super WordPress Outil de gestion de site Web"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

It's so easy to manage all of your WordPress sites in one spot. Their support team is awesome!

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

You can only add WordPress websites, so we have had to find other alternatives for our HTML sites.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

Our server was hard to manage and Flywheel's support team makes it so much easier.

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
17 août 2021
Note générale:
Camille S.
Chef de projet/Concepteur Web
"Flywheel c'est aussi simple qu'un, deux, trois !"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

I really like that Flywheel has easy-to-use and easy-to-understand server management, site backups, and one-click site restoration. I also love their Local feature where you are able to edit WordPress sites on your local server, or restore a backup to the local server to grab media or something else that was lost.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

I dislike that their support team can only direct you to articles rather than going in and doing difficult tasks on your behalf.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

I work for a web design company and one of our white label clients uses Flywheel. It is a good solution for him since he is not a developer, but a designer. We are able to collaborate easily with him using flywheel.

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
Le 19 novembre 2020
Note générale:
Avatar de Brendan O.
Brendan O.
Software Engineer
"La vitesse et l'excellent support en valent la peine"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

Not provided

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

Not provided

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

Not provided

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
Le 05 septembre 2019
Note générale:
Avatar d'Aaron L.
Aaron L.
Chef de produit
"Une expérience utilisateur impressionnante avec un support brillant"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

The user experience is just so beautiful. The amount of effort placed into designing something as simple and elegant must have been tremendous, and it shows in the usability of the platform. Saying that I love using Flywheel is a severe understatement.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

The pricing is ok for most basic sites, but for heavy traffic sites that require a higher page view count, $1 for 1000 sessions is really steep. So heavy ecommerce and/or blog sites are not going to work for that price point

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

We like how easy it is to pass the cost of hosting and the support of the wordpress site to the customer. It's simple elegant and I never had a client say they didnt understand the workflow. It basically just works

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
30 août 2019
Note générale:
Avatar d'Andrew M.
Andrew M.
Directeur du développement des affaires
"Flywheel Examen de l'hébergement"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

The things we like best about Flywheel hosting are dashboard, support and ease of use. Flywheel's dashboard makes it easy to see all your sites in one place. The hosting options for websites are great as well. We love their customer support and how quickly they respond and resolve issues. The ease of use is great and we love the simplicity of turning a staging site live. The daily backups are a plus and we have the peace of mind knowing our websites will be up and running when we need them to be.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

The recent pricing changes make things more confusing. The old options for pricing were much more straightforward and easy to understand for us and our customers. More pricing options would be ideal especially for smaller websites that do not require such intensive hosting solutions.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

The things we like best about Flywheel hosting are dashboard, support and ease of use. Flywheel's dashboard makes it easy to see all your sites in one place. The hosting options for websites are great as well. We love their customer support and how quickly they respond and resolve issues. The ease of use is great and we love the simplicity of turning a staging site live. The daily backups are a plus and we have the peace of mind knowing our websites will be up and running when we need them to be.

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
Le 05 décembre 2018
Note générale:
Mary M.
Coordonnatrice des événements spéciaux
"Volez avec Flywheel"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

Flywheel is one of the most popular WordPress managed hosting providers available, and it’s easy to see why. They offer a great set of features for both regular WordPress users and agencies alike. With a great support service, fast and reliable performance, what more could you want? They offer several channels of communication, including plain email tickets, phone calls, social media, and live chat. For our Flywheel review for WordPress, we decided to test their live chat, since that’s the channel most people tend to use.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

There is a higher price than that of what you would find with similar products.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

Flywheel offers a solid managed hosting experience at near-budget prices. There are cheaper alternatives out there, but few can match Flywheel when it comes to overall quality of service. If you’re a WordPress user with a little bit of extra cash in your budget, Flywheel is definitely a choice worth that extra monies..

Entreprise (> 1000 emp.)
26 avril 2018
Note générale:
Avatar de Cédric H.
Cédric H.
"Une promenade dans le parc..."
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

The support staff. They talk fast but they are very knowledgeable. I was able to establish my dashboard in minutes.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

Nothing so far. The only gripe I can think of is not a gripe at all. I just wish I discovered this platform sooner.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

The ability to integrate my clients WordPress sites in one place-priceless.

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
Le 09 novembre 2021
Note générale:
Avatar de Keith E.
Keith E.
Consultant Web
"Bonne solution d'hébergement pour les non-membres Wordpress sites Internet"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

Flywheel has a simple dashboard, and it is easy to find the main tools you need to manage your WordPress websites. You can set up free SSL, get an overview of your plugins' status, visitor stats, and backups at a glance. Support is readily available via chat or email. I recommend Flywheel as a solid solution for lower-traffic sites that don't have a membership or eCommerce shops.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

Their services Performance Insights is too expensive and should be offered on all plans. I don't understand why they charge extra for this. They also don't give up much information about the server setup. This normally isn't very necessary, but makes it difficult to run anything that requires any heavy resources, such as busy membership or eCommerce websites.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

It is very easy to manage client websites from their dashboard. Clients like it because it isn't cluttered with technical details. Agencies will enjoy the ability to create a template site and clone sites quickly to get started on new projects. For the most part, support is pretty good, especially for standard requests. They are friendly and pretty quick to respond. It is easy to manage many sites and hand them off to clients if they want to leave your services. They also have a great blog and seem to care about the community. Staging sites can be spun up in a matter of minutes and backups are as easy as clicking a button.

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
Le 27 juillet 2021
Note générale:
Avatar de Dave R.
Dave R.
Développeur Web
"Parfaitement utilisable géré WordPress Hébergement"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

It's faster than most other hosting platforms with a mostly responsive support team. The dashboard gives you all the necessary controls to manage your WordPress websites, being easy to use and pleasant to look at, with security and daily backup features in the case of an emergency.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

The staging environments they provide are slow and often needs its memory boosted to not run into memory exhaustion errors between every WordPress dashboard page load. Some support staff members have no clue what they're talking about in certain circumstances, requiring you to elevate the support ticket to a higher-level tier. Processes sometimes get stuck, needing a support agent's help to rectify. Our hosting accounts have been stuck on the legacy hosting platform, which hosts our websites on the same server, adversely affecting performance, especially during heavy spambot attacks. After requesting multiple times for conversion over to their new hosting infrastructure, they still haven't migrated our accounts over to it, keeping us in the legacy platform. Unfortunately, this means we can't take advantage of all the features the new hosting infrastructure offers.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

Keeps all of our "Enterprise" hosting clients all in one place, on a server that's more secure than other hosting platforms. The server's fast enough and gives us plenty of tools to optimize performance with caching mechanisms and complimentary CDNs—a good value for the money, with a service that scales with you as your client base grows.

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
18 février 2019
Note générale:
Avatar de David B.
David B.
Intégrateur de systèmes
" Gestion raisonnable WordPress un hébergement qui tente de prendre en charge les aspects problématiques"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

We liked that Flywheel attempts to manage version upgrading, by using their control panel to upgrade to the latest version of WordPress.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

We didn't like that we found the hosting to be slow at times, and that long processes like bulk image resizing stalled or were much slower than a VPS solution.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

We needed a way to host WordPress web sites, and a business problem was running a server. Flywheel has the benefit of managing WordPress web hosting and the database for you, including backups. This benefits from saving time.

Marché intermédiaire (51-1000 emp.)
Le 05 novembre 2020
Note générale:
Jinkuk N.
"Problèmes de facturation en cas d'annulation"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

Their support in integration was pretty smooth.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

The migration took much longer than expected and thus we were unable to complete it before we got acquired. When we canceled our service we are still getting charged with no response from their online support or email. I had to block their billing from my credit card company as they just don't respond to billing.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

We didn't get to realize the benefits are the migration to FlyWheel just took too long. We wanted a managed hosting environment that allowed our DevOps to focus on other platforms with improved performance.

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
Le 10 novembre 2021
Note générale:
Évaluateur vérifié
"Excellente application"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

Ease of use. The dashboard is very helpful in building Wordpress sites.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

Nothing to dislike about it. Maybe the payment plans, wish there was a cheaper, unlimited option.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

Hosting. The dashboard is great.

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
21 février 2022
Note générale:
Évaluateur vérifié
"Les mieux gérés WordPress Hébergement pour Agences"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

Their choice of Google Cloud Platform, Growth Suite, client reports, and billing capabilities using Stripe are exceptional features for agencies that you don't want to miss.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

There's not much to dislike. The minor issues may seem significant, but it's just a matter of voting for your feature and hoping it will get implemented. Staging backups are missing, and that's all to complain about for now.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

We have been hosting our clients at another host that does not offer managed WordPress hosting with the ability to send out client reports and also send out invoices for work done. Flywheel helps us do all that and be super-efficient.

Petite entreprise (50 emp. ou moins)
Le 31 juillet 2018
Note générale:
Évaluateur vérifié
"Excellent hébergeur de site Web"
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans Flywheel?

I really like the simple UX and it is great for people who are not very familiar with web technology. This host is very user friendly towards people who are looking for a simple website with no problems.

Qu'est-ce qui te déplaît chez Flywheel?

I dislike that a lot of the times we have to edit our website requires talking to flywheel support instead of us changing from within.

Quels sont les problèmes Flywheel résoudre et en quoi cela vous profite-t-il ?

It solves the problem of paying for a large amount of hosting sites. This is a really good tool for digital agencies looking to have a bulk host.

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